
One moment at a time

January 10, 2018 admin 0Comment

The new year is usually really tough for me. It often highlights for me what I haven’t done and what’s left to do to get where I think I should be. I’ve spent many a new year agonizing over not being in the best place for my age when it comes to relationships, finances, career etc.

This year feels different. And not because I suddenly feel very put together or on top of my game. But I have started to let go of where I’m “supposed” to be. I started letting go years ago, but I finally feel it.

Also, since teaching improv I’m focusing less on myself and where I’m at, and more on the growth of others. And all of that stuff I used to worry about fades away a bit more. It’s not gone completely, because it’s not THAT easy. But it’s fading a bit and that’s nice.
It’s somewhat comforting to know that I’m not alone in this. Finest City Improv currently has 5 sold out level 1 classes, which is a first for the theatre. That’s 75 people that decided to start off their year by challenging themselves to get out of their comfort zones. That’s 75 people that faced the new year with all of their own baggage and said, I’m going to do this.
I never take for granted that I’m one of the people who will lead them on the start of this journey. To be there while they begin to open up and connect with strangers and make discoveries about themselves.
Their discoveries are great reminders that our progress in life is ever-changing. Which makes it all the more important to celebrate each moment of growth.
In improv we focus quite a bit on building scenes with one brick at a time. Rushing ahead causes us to leave the current moment behind.
Sometimes it takes a while for this idea to register with students. But when it hits, it’s a wonderful thing to see. To be in the moment without worrying about the future and where we should be and whether we’re doing things right. To just be in that moment is one of the best gifts in life. I’m beyond thankful that I get to experience this discovery with others.

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