May 20, 2018 admin

When I first started doing improv I had no idea what kind of journey it would take me on. All I knew in those early days was that the laughter was wonderful. I had been going through a rough time and the levity helped so much. As the months and years went on I kept exploring all the different ways I could keep learning and growing through improv. Little did I know I’d end up on a trip in Europe doing improv with friends and meeting new people. I wrote the post below for my facebook page while riding from…

April 20, 2018 admin

No matter how passionate we are about the work we do, we all have those days when we feel a bit deflated or lost. It’s important during those times to focus on something that recharges the inspiration within us. One of those things for me is a group of college students from Cal State Fullerton called the Funny People Society. I spent 5 years taking classes and workshops in Los Angeles and it is all anyone can do to get me back up to the area, or even close to it. But I don’t even think twice when asked to come…

March 26, 2018 admin

Sure, you’re probably thinking what does vulnerability have to do with improv? It’s supposed to be funny! We want to laugh! Have you ever thought about the moments that make you laugh? Aside from the bits and silly stuff, think about the times you laugh. It probably includes some realness and something that goes a little deeper that you can relate to because, damn it, you’ve been there. One dimensional characters are just okay to watch. But good improv with rich characters is so much more than that. Get your audience so involved that they forget all about their life…

January 29, 2018 admin

Vulnerable night (aka Let’s Get Vulnerable) has become an event in my little community that I never thought could be possible. I hadn’t realized how much I needed a night like this. Or how much my friends and community needed it too. This night of sharing was born out of my pursuit to complete my solo show which has been on my mind since 2014. I have found a million and one reasons not to get anywhere with this project. But I did have a thought last year to workshop some ideas for friends, but also decided that I wanted…

January 10, 2018 admin

The new year is usually really tough for me. It often highlights for me what I haven’t done and what’s left to do to get where I think I should be. I’ve spent many a new year agonizing over not being in the best place for my age when it comes to relationships, finances, career etc. This year feels different. And not because I suddenly feel very put together or on top of my game. But I have started to let go of where I’m “supposed” to be. I started letting go years ago, but I finally feel it. Also,…

December 28, 2017 admin 2Comment

This is the time of year to really take stock of what has and hasn’t been working in your life. It’s easy to get very self critical. It’s too easy to compare yourself to others, especially as the holiday cards and letters have rolled in chock full of family photos and accomplishments of others. It’s so easy to look at your own life and think, what have I even done? I was feeling very much this way as the holiday season began to kick off and instead of being productive and getting my seasonal projects in order, I’d sit scrolling…

December 12, 2017 admin

This weekend’s Found Family show at Finest City Improv was extra special because of our guest, our good friend Seamus. I’ve known Seamus since he was a student of mine a couple of years ago. He was really one of the first people to make me realize what kind of impact it was possible to have as an improv teacher. He reached out early on and shared some of the anxiety he was facing. It meant a lot to me that someone I barely knew could share that. It was that moment that made me realize this was all more…